Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Faith and Faithfulness (Part 6)

This is the sixth in a series of studies on the topic of faith and faithfulness. (If you are coming to this page from a search engine, I recommend this link for a table of contents of the topics covered in this series.)

This study is a summary overview of the material we have covered so far in this series.  The Greek word pistis (πιστιςG4102) is frequently used in the Septuagint to translate the Hebrew word emunah (אמנה‎ – H530).  All of the instances where pistis is used in the Septuagint to translate emunah are highlighted in the list below in green.

Emunah is translated in the KJV with the following words (and counts): faithfulness 18, truth 13, faithfully 5, office 5, faithful 3, faith 1, stability 1, steady 1, truly 1, verily 1.

The format of the list is as follows:

  • Text
    Hebrew – Hebrew transliteration |  Greek – Greek transliteration
    Link to details on the Text (NASB): English word used in the NASB to translate the Hebrew

The link will take you to a detailed view of the text in Blue Letter Bible; the Hebrew and Greek texts can also be seen there.

Here are most of the texts that use the word pistis in the Septuagint.  (A few Septuagint texts that use the word pistis do not have a corresponding text in the Hebrew Bible; I have omitted those texts.)  As you can see, most of the Septuagint texts containing the word pistis are translations of texts using  the Hebrew word emunah.  Most of these texts are translated into English using faithfullness, faithfully or truth.  In none of these texts is pistis or emunah used in the sense of belief.

  • Deut. 32:20
    ‏אמן‎  – emunH529πιστιςpistis
    NASB: faithfulness
  • 1 Sam. 26:23
    ‏ו/את אמנת/ו‎  – v'et emunato |  και την πιστιν αυτου – kai tēn pistin autou
    NASB: faithfulness
  • 2 Kings 12:15 ‏ב/אמנה‎ – be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfully
  • 2 Kings 22:7
    ‏ב/אמונה‎ – be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfully
  • 1 Chr. 9:22
    ‏ב/אמונת/ם‎ – be'emunatam |  τη πιστει αυτων – tē pistei autōn
    NASB: office of trust
  • 1 Chr. 9:26
    ‏ב/אמונה‎ – be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: office of trust
  • 1 Chr. 9:31
    ‏ב/אמונה‎ – be'emunah |  εν τη πιστειen tē pistei
    NASB: responsibility
  • 2 Chr. 31:12
    ‏ב/אמונה‎ – be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfully
  • 2 Chr. 31:15
    ‏ב/אמונה‎ – be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfully
  • 2 Chr. 31:18
    ‏ב/אמונת/ם‎ – be'emunatam |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfully
  • 2 Chr. 34:12
    ‏ב/אמונה‎be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfully
  • Neh. 9:38
    ‏אמנה‎ – amanahπιστινpistin
    NASB: agreement
  • Psa. 33:4
    ‏ב/אמונה‎be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfulness
  • Prov. 3:3
    ‏ו/אמת‎ – ve'emet |  και πιστειςkai pisteis
    NASB: truth
  • Prov. 12:17
    NASB: truth
  • Prov. 12:22
    NASB: faithfully   
  • Song 4:8
    ‏אמנה‎ – amanahπιστεωςpisteōs
    NASB: Amana
  • Jer. 5:1
    NASB: truth
  • Jer. 5:3
    ‏ל/אמונ/ה‎ – le'emunah |  εις πιστινeis pistin
    NASB: truth

  • Jer. 7:28
    ‏ה/אמונהha'emunah |  η πιστιςpistis
    NASB: truth
  • Jer. 9:3
    NASB: truth
  • Jer. 15:18
    ‏נאמנו‎ – ne'emanu |  εχον πιστινechon pistin
    NASB: unreliable
  • Jer. 28:9
    ‏ב/אמת‎ – be'emet | εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: truly
  • Jer. 32:41
    ‏ב/אמת‎ – be'emet |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfully
  • Jer. 33:6
    ‏ו/אמת‎ – ve'emet |  και πιστινkai pistin
    NASB: truth
  • Hos. 2:22
    ‏ב/אמונה‎be'emunah |  εν πιστειen pistei
    NASB: faithfulness
  • Hab. 2:4
    ‏ב/אמונת/ו‎ – be'emunato |  εκ πιστεως μου – ek pisteōs mou
    NASB: faith

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